Fade GUIText In/Out at given time.

So i have spent last 2 hours figuring out how to fade in/out GUI Text.
All the scripts ive found in my amazing search do not work because they all are made for Unity 4.

So what im looking for, is that i make a Canvas, add simple Text to it and make it Fade In, and at sometime later Fade Out.

I tried to make Animation for it, but for whatever reason its not working.
It works well in Scene View, i changed the color in Animator from Black To White and vise versa. Ingame it just does nothing as it spawns, stays at start color (black) and does absolutely nothing.

Im using Unity 5

Attach CanvasGroup to the Text game object. Then modify the Alpha level of CanvasGroup instead of Text.

Thank you so much. Now its working.


Make sure GUIText has “Animator” and “Animation” Component.