i am using unity 5.2.2, its UI system and i am coding C#.
the problem is: i can’t find a proper way to fade in and out UI Images… am I missing something or is that complicated? do i have to write coroutines or my own loops for fading images? really? in 2015?
does someone knows an elegant way? i really would appreciate it!
And fortunatly for you we are in 2015 and what you are looking for is CrossFadeAlpha() or CrossFadeColor()
You just tell it what Color or alpha you want it to be how long it will take and if it should use TimeScale or not.
These function come from Graphic wich is a base class every UI components derive from.
Hope that helps you.
oh, cool! i hoped there will be such a method! thank you veray much, i’ll try it out later.
it got it working with leantween in the meantime.