Hey! I’m trying to fade in and out when I load a level from my Select_Level scene. The issue is when I place the Fade Screen panel where it is, I can’t click any of the buttons. However, when I place it above background, everything still shows and isn’t behind the Fade Screen. If there is a better way to do this, I’m all ears!
Here is my script:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class LevelSelectUI : MonoBehaviour
public static LevelSelectUI instance;
[SerializeField] Image fadeScreen;
public float fadeSpeed;
private bool shouldFadeToBlack;
private bool shouldTurnOffFadeScreen;
private void Awake()
instance = this;
private void Start()
void Update()
if (shouldFadeToBlack)
fadeScreen.color = new Color(fadeScreen.color.r,
Mathf.MoveTowards(fadeScreen.color.a, 1f, fadeSpeed * Time.deltaTime));
if (fadeScreen.color.a == 1f)
shouldFadeToBlack = false;
if (shouldTurnOffFadeScreen)
fadeScreen.color = new Color(fadeScreen.color.r, fadeScreen.color.g, fadeScreen.color.b, 0f);
shouldTurnOffFadeScreen = false;
public void FadeToBlack()
shouldFadeToBlack = true;
shouldTurnOffFadeScreen = false;
public void TurnOffBlackScreen()
shouldTurnOffFadeScreen = true;
shouldFadeToBlack = false;
If you need any more information, please let me know and I can share it!