Fade works on screen but not in headset

Hey all…
I have VR app that will load one video, fades out loads new video fades back in. This all works fine on the monitor. However, in my Oculus headset this is not working. I’ve tested wondering if it was because of the placement of the panel but, but no matter which direction the headset is pointing, the screen fades, but the headset does mot.

The fade is based on modifying the alpha of a UI panel.

Any suggestions on how to correct this?

Thanks so much!

Narrow it down by adding some other UI elements, such as text and an image, which should always be visible. Do you see those?

Try changing the render mode of the UI canvas

‘world space’ or ‘screen space - camera’ should work

for world space just use the whole UI to cover your screen then it should fade, just try testing it with different modes, etc

Hey guys…

I have played around with the render mode on the canvas.

On the monitor, all three modes work.
In the headset the only option that works is World Space. However, it doesn’t wrap my environment and I can see the panel fading but if I turn away from the panel I still see the rest of the environment (video).

A solution may be a little tricky with this. I’m creating a 360 video VR app based on one of the Unity tutorials. PLUS, I’m using the VRTK. Which, as I understand how it works, does not create a VR camera until runtime.

It almost seems as though I’d have to have 4 different panels. Create a box of the panels that would surround the camera that the VRTK creates at runtime.

Is there possibly a better solution than that?

There’s got to be a way to parent your canvas under the camera. Perhaps in script, via Camera.main?

(I’m sorry, I haven’t used VRTK much myself yet so I’m not that familiar with how it does things.)

Hi Joe…
That’s a great point about placing the panel in front of the camera. I’m trying to do just that and in that effort I’ve ran into other issues. You can see my post about it here.

I have issues with this when using URP. I can’t use the PlayMaker Camera Fade Out or the Easy Scene Transition Unity asset for VR fade outs. Both of them fade the game window, but not the VR headset. This only happens in URP. I’m using several versions of 2019.3 to test, but all are the same.