Fading out GUITexture - I need help with timer function that will control the speed of fading out

Hi Everyone,

I am writing a script to fadeout a GUITexture (and a few other things) after an input from the keyboard has been received. I am having trouble with decreasing the alpha value for the GUITexture slowly, at the moment the GUITexture fades out almost instantly. I have seen similiar questions on this topic and the solutions seems to be with using co-routines. I do not understand how to write coroutines in JS.

My fadeout function is similiar to Zerofractals fade function. I have also looked at Mathf.Lerp and mathf.SmoothDamp, however I could not achieve what I wanted. Perhaps I am using the functions incorrectly or not as intended. Any help on this would be much appreciated.My code is as follows

var scrollTexture:GUITexture;
var messageToGamePlayer: GUIText;
var scrollText: GUIText;

var fadeDuration:float = 0.5;
var alpha:int;
private var timeLeft:float=0.5;

function Start () {

function OnTriggerEnter(){

function Update (){
	if (Input.GetButton ("Jump")){
//		disableGUITexture();
//		Destroy(gameObject);

function fadeOut(){
       if(scrollTexture.color.a > 0){
       timeLeft = timeLeft - Time.deltaTime;
       alpha = (timeLeft/fadeDuration);

 function disableGUITexture(){

Thanks in Advance.

A Coroutine is a function that shares control with the rest of the script, and releases control on the ‘yield’ statement.

To make a coroutine, you just make a new function and make sure it has a yield (otherwise it wouldn’t need to be a coroutine) then us the code ‘StartCoroutine( MyFunction( params ));’

A Lerp script I use is this:

private var lerp = 0.0;
private var track = 0.0;
private var value : float;
var time : float;

function lerpPos(){
	if(track < time){
		track += Time.deltaTime;
		lerp = track/time;
		value = Mathf.Lerp(start, end, lerp);

And obviously your value would be the alpha.
Another possibility for you is iTween.FadeTo()