Hey there! I tried to write a script that will make my scenes fade in and out each time i load a new one. Here is the first script that i assigned on an empty game object.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Fading : MonoBehaviour {
public Texture2D fadeOutTexture; // the texture that will overlay the screen. This can be a black image or a loading graphic
public float fadeSpeed = 0.8f; // the fading speed
private int drawnDepth = -1000; // the texture's order in the draw hierarchy: a low number means it renders on top(last)
private float alpha = 1.0f; // the texture's alpha value between 0 and 1
private int fadeDir = -1; // the direction to fade: in = -1 or out = 1
void OnGUI () {
// fade out/in the alpha value using a direction, a speed and Time.deltatime to convert the operation to seconds
alpha += fadeDir * fadeSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
// force (clamp) the number between 0 and 1 because GUI.color uses alpha values between 0 and 1
alpha = Mathf.Clamp01 (alpha);
// set color of our GUI (in this case our texture). All color values remain the same & Alpha is set to the alpha variable
GUI.color = new Color (GUI.color.r, GUI.color.g, GUI.color.b, alpha); // set the Alpha value
GUI.depth = drawnDepth; // make the black texture render on top (drawn last)
GUI.DrawTexture (new Rect (0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height), fadeOutTexture); // draw the texture to fit the entire screen area
// sets the fadeDir to the direction parameter making the scene fade in if -1 and out if 1
public float StartFade (int direction) {
fadeDir = direction;
return (fadeSpeed); // return the fadeSpeed variable so it's easy to calculate the Application.LoadLevl();
// OnLevelWasLoaded is called when a level is loaded. It takes loaded level index (int) as a parameter so you can limit the fade in to certain scenes
void OnLevelWasLoaded () {
// alpha = 1; // use this if the alpha is not set to 1 by default
StartFade (-1); // call the fade in function
and then i have 2 scripts that will load a new scene when they are clicked and i added this code on them :
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class OnClick : MonoBehaviour {
void OnMouseDown()
Application.LoadLevel("Main Menu");
public void FadeFunction () {
// fade out the game and load a new level
float fadeTime = GameObject.Find ("SceneFader").GetComponent<Fading>.StartFade(1);
yield return new WaitForSeconds (fadeTime);
Application.LoadLevel (Application.loadedLevel + 1);
and a similar one to the other object. However i get this error :
Assets/Scripts/OnClick.cs(11,21): error CS1624: The body of OnClick.FadeFunction()' cannot be an iterator block because void’ is not an iterator interface type.
if you want to use a yield, you need a iterator that you can yield, check the Yield keyword on MSDN
like the example in the docs. it calls the Coroutine in Start, so it calls upon the IEnumerator for one frame. But the IEnumerator will run up until the new return WaitForSeconds every frame, waitTime x framerate times.
So although it’s not being called upon it will still finish it’s iteration.
When and where do you call the public void FadeFunction()? If you have added it to a button OnClick event, you should make a void that calls the coroutine
as in:
I call the StartFade function at the first script in my post and use it on the second one. I apreciate your help but it is too hard for me to understand!
The script works when i press space but i want it to fade in and out when the blue dot is clicked so that the scene loading waits for the script to fade in and out the scene!
well as i do in Update(), StartFading(int fadeTo, float speed) can be called when you need it with the values you want.
StartFading(0, 0.5f); will fade out and StartFading(1, 0.5f) will fade in.
all you need is a reference the FadeScreen script with GetComponent();
I called : fadescreen.StartFading(0,0.5f) and it is not red anymore but still getting this error :
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
OnClick2.OnMouseDown () (at Assets/Scripts/OnClick2.cs:15)
I don’t know what you are doing but this supposed the be very simple
Let me lay it out in detail:
every time you make a script in Unity, you actually are making a class. classes can have lots of stuff, among them are variables and functions.
there is a difference between a class and an object (or instance) as there is a difference between a blue print and a building.
So we made the class FadeScreen with the function StartFading in it. Since FadeScreen is not static we need an instance of this class (we can not simply say “take elevator” to nothing, we can not say “take elevator” with only a blueprint, but we can say “take elevator” if we have a building). so we need to take the elevator(StartFading) in the building (fadeScreen). so we need a building (instance) of FadeScreen.
and so we get our instance with:
for example on a trigger at the end of your level…
FadeScreen fadeScreen;
bool reachedEnd;
void Start()
//getting the instance
fadeScreen = GetComponent<FadeScreen>();
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider c)
//checking if we ended the level
if(c.tag == "LevelEnd")
reachedEnd = true;
void Update()
//fading out
fadeScreen.StartFading(0, 0.5f);
Yeah i know what you mean it’s just that my game is probably not correctly built or something!
Is there any way i can give you my project files just to see what i am doing wrong? Because i want the screen to fade when i change a level but the only thing i can think of is a OnClick function however, it does not work with this function. Should i go for a trigger?