Failed AOT cross compiler

I get this error when I try to build my project, upgraded from iPhone 1.7 to Unity3:

But the same project builds fine in another computer with the exact same configuration. Can somebody tell me what is going on here? As I understand, it is missing a dll, but how can I fix it?

Thank you in advance.

It was caused by a “/” sign in the name of one of the directories of the project. Looks like Monodevelop does not like any special letter.

Did you do something to search for that “/”? I am experiencing the same problem, the project was adapted from windows and Mac OSX can’t recognize accents and other characters from windows NFTS. I’m trying to find a way to search for any other invalid chars. Many other issues been solved just by renaming the files, but I still can’t successfully build due to that error.

My problem is that it is a quite big project, lots of folders and lots of files. Any suggestions would be of great help.

easiest way to get correct folder names: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _
if you limit yourself to this you will never have problems.

already spaces can backfire actually

Failed AOT cross compiler (solved)? how do you solved this question? can you tell me ?

I am also experiencing the same problem like this:
Error building Player: UnityException: Failed AOT cross compiler: /Applications/Unity/ --aot=full,asmonly,nodebug,static,outfile=“Mono.Web.dll.s” “Mono.Web.dll” current dir : /Users/wangwill/Desktop/DiscountDemo /Temp/StagingArea/Data/Managed std=
result file exists: True

fuck this question,it take me so much time to solve it,but at now I can’t solve it,so i hope get your help .