I’m trying to deploy a WebGL build to Github. To make things simple I created an empty project with nothing in it and then did a WebGL Build. I get the following error. This seems like a bug to me b/c it’s happening with an completely empty project (using the Universal Render Pipeline). Any ideas?
WebGLTest.loader.js:1 failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: CompileError: WebAssembly.instantiate(): expected magic word 00 61 73 6d, found 76 65 72 73 @+0
printErr @ WebGLTest.loader.js:1Understand this error
WebGLTest.loader.js:1 CompileError: WebAssembly.instantiate(): expected magic word 00 61 73 6d, found 76 65 72 73 @+0
WebGLTest.loader.js:1 CompileError: WebAssembly.instantiate(): expected magic word 00 61 73 6d, found 76 65 72 73 @+0
printErr @ WebGLTest.loader.js:1Understand this error
650c77c9-9695-44ec-8bd6-15f51d6ff6ba:10 navigator.mediaDevices support available
WebGLTest.loader.js:1 [UnityCache] ‘https://jnnilson.github.io/WebGLTest5/Build/WebGLTest.data’ successfully downloaded and stored in the indexedDB cache