failed to delete old unity android support

Same issue here :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I just installed 2020.3.21, having previously 2020.3.19 (Unity Hub Beta 3.5).

Yeah, same thing with 2020.3.21f - solution above is not working for me. Manual installation runs fine, but Android Support is not detected by Unity Hub for some reason.

Don’t know if it helps but this problem happened whenever i was using Unity Hub 3.0.0. Returning back to Unity Hub v2 and reinstalling the editor from it helped me to solve it.

Tried on Unity Hub 3.0.0-beta.2 and beta.5

Seems that everyone has the same issue :slight_smile:

Install One By One can solve it

The release notes for v3.0.0-beta.6 say:

I tried installing Unity 2021.1.27f1 with v3.0.0-beta.6 and no errors occurred :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, even though the error dialog is no longer displayed, the bug still exists.
The Unity Editor installed with Unity Hub v3.0.0-beta.6 does not recognize the Android module correctly.

Not sure if it applies in your case, but note the path. You previous message says you installed Unity 2021.1.27f1 but the path says Unity 2021.1.24f1. This happened to me yesterday, I had to change the path to match the Unity version I just installed, it seems to remember the path from a previous install. I’m using Hub 2.4.5

This works!!! Thank you man! The issue confused me about 1 week!!!

Unity Hub 3.1.2 still has this issue. I always need PC reboot for installing new Unity version. Its extremely annoying.

This helped me a lot thank you so much

close the unity hub application, make sure it’s not running in the system tray, then open the task manager, select the details tab, then look for “adb” then end task
and try again to delete the androidplayer file

Bro you saved my day, thk you.
Unity wtf is going on with you

Thanks! This helped so much!