Failed to deploy package 'Core CLR'

I’m getting an error when trying to deploy to HoloLens or HoloLens emulator:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error DEP6720: Failed to deploy package ‘Core CLR’ (E0999A8F-0200-4738-AE1E-B45742BE6B6B). Package is not defined for OneCore. Origami

Using Unity 5.6.0f3 and Visual Studio 2017

I have no idea how to solve this…

It looks like because you are using Visual Studio 2017, try using Visual Studio 2015 Update 3

I have tryed to deploy with success using VS2017, but now I’m facing the same error. This must depend on something else

Are you using the same Unity build as listed above?

I’m using Unity 5.6.1f1

I have installed VS2015 again, but can not build the solution with SDK 15063, there is a message that I need to update to VS2017. After that I have opened VS2017 and now can build, it is very strange, without VS2015 I had alwayds "Failed to deploy package ‘Core CLR’" on deploy.

There have been some recent changes with support in RS3, this might have been the issue you ran into for UWP.