Failed to download Android Build Support for Linux

I attempted to download the Android Build Support for Unity version 2021.3.8f1, but encountered an AccessDenied error when I clicked the “Open Download Page” button on Build Settings:
Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.get access to the Google Cloud Storage object. Permission ‘storage.objects.get’ denied on resource (or it may not exist).

I discovered an old thread with a suggested solution and used a modified URL to download a pkg file, but it did not contain the AndroidPlayer file.

Here is the URL I used:

I also attempted to modify the URL to download LinuxEditorTargetInstaller instead of MacEditorTargetInstaller, but this did not work. So far, I have only been able to download iOS Build Support. Here is the URL for the iOS Build Support:

Does anyone know how to download Android Build Support for Linux?
(If this post is better suited for the old thread, please let me know and I will move it there. Thank you.)

I use the hub and had no problems installing android build support, using Ubuntu 2020.04 LTS. Probably installed it at least once in the last two months

Hi, thank you so much for your prompt reply!
I’m also using Ubuntu 20.04.
Would it be possible for you to provide me with the link to download the Android build support?
I’d be very grateful for your assistance. Thank you again!:slight_smile:

8893644--1216263--Screenshot_20230322_050234.png [quote=“TCYeh, post:3, topic: 912797, username:TCYeh”]
Hi, thank you so much for your prompt reply!
I’m also using Ubuntu 20.04.
Would it be possible for you to provide me with the link to download the Android build support?
I’d be very grateful for your assistance. Thank you again!:slight_smile:
I think he means downloading via the “HUB”.

  • Open the HUB
  • click “Installs”
  • click the “gear” on your preferred (actual) Unity-Version
  • checkbox-click the “Android build support”
  • then click “install”
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Hi, thank you for the reply!
This worked for 2020.3.27f1. However, unfortunately, it didn’t work for 2021.3.8f1.
The settings of 2021.3.8f1 don’t contain the “Add Modules” button.

I find the website of the components installer:
Sadly, the link for 2021.3.8f1 is the same one as I mentioned in the previous post and didn’t have the right files of Android Build Support.

You have two options, ie when installing a new editor version for the first time or afterwards by clicking on the cog in the right corner of the editor version slot.

Perhaps try a re-install too and see what happens…

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I tried to install 2021.3.8f1 with the latest Unity-Hub (3.4.1) and it should be possible to install with Android build support.

Big thank all you guys for helping me out!

I re-installed the latest Unity Hub(3.4.1) and downloaded 2021.3.8f1 again by clicking Unity Hub on the achieved page.
And I finally have the “Add Modules” button and added the Android Build Support successfully.

Thank you all again!