Failed to extract resources needed by Il2CPP (Unity 5.4.0f3)

I figured out IL2CPP build on Android.
Samsumg Note2 works fine. but LG G3 can’t run and return this error message.

“Failed to extract resources needed by Il2CPP.”

on iOS IL2CPP, works fine. no problem. How can I fix it?
I really want to IL2CPP build on Android.

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Is it the same APK you used on these two devices?
If so - could you submit a bug report, attach your project and mention the devices you’ve been testing on.


Yes It was same. It’s hard to submit bug report with full project. but I’ll try it.

Same problem. It can’t run on LG G3 or other old device, but can run on Sony Z3 Tablet Compact.

The same problem for me. When I run the app its show "
Failed to extract resources needed by Il2CPP
What’s that mean?

@lang_fox , @sparkcube :

If either of you can submit a bug report, we would appreciate it. This usually means a file which should be present in the APK cannot be loaded correctly. But in order to understand what is the problem, we need to try to reproduce it here.

Same issue here, works on some of our test devices, but not the HTC One M9 running Android 5.1. Unfortunately I don’t have time to create a bug report.

Have just had a customer report the same error on this device:

Is there any progress regarding solving this bug?


I don’t believe there has been any progress, as we are unable to reproduce it here. If possible, can you submit a bug report for this issue?

Hi. Passing this on in-case it helps anyone : we have been experiencing the same issue on some Android devices. We have found that uninstalling the app, clearing the Android cache partition via the boot loader menu, then re-installing the app allows the app to install and run ok. After a few more installs, the problem will often re-occur until these steps are performed again.

For me it was different. I have tested it only on my personal Nexus 4 device with 5.1.1 android version.
If the version of game on my phone is built with Mono I can install new versions built with il2cpp numerous time without any problem. But then one time I’ve completely uninstalled game from phone. Installing it after that with il2cpp will trigger that error.
I will try to make a repro project to submit a bug.

In my case (LG G3), this problem has been solved. in 5.4.0p1. Try it.

No, the issue is still there 5.4.0p4. Samsung Galaxy S4

Folks, if the issue persists - we would appreciate a bug report. With a project and steps to reproduce. It is not confirmed on our end so far. Thanks!

Hi Guys,

I have a build that you could check out in Cloud Build that producing this problem on my device. Can I PM you the build ID?

I hope this can be resolved soon as it is quite concerning :frowning:

Works on iOS, Standalone and perfectly in Editor (Android), just not on the device itself.


Yes that would be appreciated.

  1. Samsung Galaxy S4 has a problem with 5.4.0p1 IL2CPP. (not tested in latest version)
  2. 5.4.1p1 IL2CPP has a problem with 20 more devices in Google Developer Console’s pretest (not tested in latest version)

I have PM’d you the Cloud Build Details for you to take a look with.

Thanks again.


@sdf_eee what issues are you exactly experiencing? Does it work on an empty project? What’s in the logcat?