Failed to get rendering parameters for main camera on HoloLens

Enabled shared depth buffer for HoloLens and getting this issue.


Bug Report 995002

-Create a new project.
-Switch build platform to Windows Universal.
-Go to the player settings and enable XR and add the Windows Mixed Reality SDK
-Switch the scripting backend from IL2CPP to DotNet
-Build empty scene with just a main camera and directional light.
-Build and deploy to HoloLens and attach VS debugger.
-View and save output log. <-Base test case.

-In the editor, go to the XR Player settings and enable the shared depth buffer.
-Build the same scene and deploy to the HoloLens
-Attach the VS debugger
-Save and view the output log. <-Error test case.

Any update here? Experiencing the same issue!

Same issue here. It’s either that or wobbly Holograms. Any news on this?

Hey guys, the bug was confirmed reproducible by one of our testers. It was sent to our development team for resolution but at the moment there’s no info on when they will have the fix ready. But I can assure you it is on the radar! :slight_smile:

I removed the whole Library folder and I didn’t get any errors anymore.

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