I’m trying to import TMP into my project, but doing so throws the following error in the console:
Failed to import package with error: Couldn’t decompress package
UnityEditor.AssetDatabase:ImportPackage (string,bool)
TMPro.TMP_PackageUtilities:ImportEssentialResources () (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.textmeshpro@3.0.6/Scripts/Editor/TMP_PackageUtilities.cs:1100)
TMPro.TMP_PackageUtilities:ImportProjectResourcesMenu () (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.textmeshpro@3.0.6/Scripts/Editor/TMP_PackageUtilities.cs:1044)
However, installing TMP via the Unity Registry section of the Package Manager does not throw an error, but TMP is still unusable.
Any fixes?