I’m a beginner and used ARFoundation 4.1.0, ARKit XR Plugin 4.1.0 to show ARHumenBodayManager effect. But the iOS camera not show sample style and the xcode print Failed to initialize subsystem ARKit-Meshing [error: 1]
Did you fixed it?
No. I followed the steps of the official example. Fixed in Xcode or Unity?
Not yet, I’m using Unity 2020.1.13f1, and the lastest AR Foundation, sometimes the app works on ios, but most of the time it doesn’t work. A gray screen and the error “Failed to initialize subsystem ARKit-Meshing [error: 1]”, on android it always works.
My error was related to Unity Issue Tracker - [iOS][UaaL] UnityFramework with 3rd party plugins triggers watchdog termination after launch
Ok, thank you
I have same problem.
But couldn’t resolve by #5 post.
Any help?
Same problems here and #5 didn’t fix. This project was working fine, all I did was add a new UI screen in the launch scene and now this error keeps the project from running on my iPhone.
If you’re still running into issues, please file a bug report with reproducible project so the team can take a look. Thanks!
Whoever is looking into this as there is barely any info available on this. After hours of trying to find a solution the problem for me was I was on iPhone 7 that didn’t have new options of meshing, I switched to iPhone 12 and I had no issue. Seems like the Ar Foundation guys forgot to make it optional for other devices…
ARKit Meshing will only attempt to be initialized if it is supported on the current device and iOS version. What version of AR Foundation and the Apple AR Kit plugin are you using?
Hi I am currently using 2020.3.35f1 Unity
Xcode: 13.4.1
AR foundation 4.1.10
ARkit 4.1.10
Mac is running Monterey Version 12.4
iPhone 7 15.5 Version
My app works completely fine on iPhone 12 but fails compilation on iPhone 7. And it always happens after
“Loading plugin UnityArkKit for subsystem Arkit-Meshing…”
Failed to initialize subsystem ARkit-Meshing [error: 1]
So there is certainly an issue that something is bypassing your checks / or not behaving as it should. As far as I know iPhone 7 don’t have Meshing capability it is still being triggered and checked on Xcode compilation hence the failing of compiling the app happens
If there is a way around this do let me know as it means currently only iPhone 12 can actually use arkit which is not practical…
Is there any update on this? I am facing the same issue, although the app opens, the occlusion does not works for me and this same error pops up for me :-
[Subsystems] Failed to initialize subsystem ARKit-Meshing [error: 1]
It’s pretty bad as none of them reply and seems to be ignoring this. I guess the whole team is using the latest phones and not testing the SDK on older devices… At least Ar Core works without issues…
We are unable to reproduce this issue. Please file a bug: Unity QA: Building quality with passion
I use iPhone XS Max, and I constantly see this message with different projects for some years: Unity repos or not
I have the same problem… got all the latest AR packages and latest iOS and using iPhoneXR
If anyone ever finds a workaround please post it in this section!