Failed to Install

Just when I thought I had everything with the latest Xcode figured out, I’ve run into a new problem.

We just added a new person to our review team, so I got their UDID, generated a distribution certificate, built the app, and sent it to them. The app appears in iTunes and when syncing its icon appears on the iPad with the “loading” progress bar. When the progress bar gets to the end, the icon disappears and an alert comes up that says “Failed to install.” That’s it, no other info. I sent that person another app, and the result was the same.

I’ve sent both of these apps (same build) out to a few other reviewers, and they installed and ran with no problems. They install and run on our in-house iPads. The only difference is that this person has Windows and all the other machines are Macs. Shouldn’t matter though as I’ve done ad hoc distribution with other Windows-based iPads before. Now that Xcode generates the IPA file form the archive, Windows or Mac shouldn’t matter any more, right? Same file?

Any suggestions? Any way to get more info than just the “failed to install” message?

also sent them provision profile=?

Yes, that’s what I meant by distribution certificate. I guess an “ad hoc distribution provisioning profile” would be the proper name for it. I checked the problem iPad, and the two profiles are installed and say they are verified.

device log should tell whats happening so you could ask them to check it while its downloading and installing the app

config tool helps if they cant use xcode organizer

Where is the device log? I couldn’t find anything like that on the iPad. This is not a developer that’s installing the apps, and they are installing in on Windows. What is Xcode organizer or config tool? Where do I find these apps?

hmm? the link i gave has config tool :slight_smile:

install it and check the console

Thanks, I’ll take a look at it.

Now that I look at it, I doubt very much I could get this user to install and use the program. I had to get on the phone and take them step by step just to get through the app installation process (drag it into iTunes). I’ll give it a shot.

It looks like a problem with the provisioning profile (see below).

I’ve downloaded the ad hoc distribution provisioning profile again, built the app again, created the archive, and sent it out with the same result. Same problem for other users as well. Seems like the installation works only for devices where the app has been previously installed (probably because they already have a previous version of the provisioning profile).

This is a bit concerning as it appears to affect all new apps I create. All I can do at this point is send out updates for apps that were installed earlier.

You have all the right devices selected in the profile?

As far as I can tell. I’ve checked and re-checked, and downloaded and reinstalled the profile several times now.

Do I need to do something with the iOS Distribution Certificate each time I add a new app or device?

I got the failed to install message when the UDID was incorrect, this probably isnt the case for you though as it looks like you’ve tried multiple devices. You shouldn’t need to update the Distribution Certificate.

The UDIDs are correct AFAIK. I know the ones for the old devices are as I’ve successfully installed other apps on those devices.

In fact, I just found out that one of our testers successfully installed another of the apps I recently sent out. I can’t see that I’ve done anything differently with the app that installed and the ones that fail.

Was this problem ever resolved? I’m experiencing exactly the same thing and I feel like I’m going crazy.

Hey John B, it would be a huge help to know if/how you solved this problem. I’ve been struggling with this… any insights? Thanks!

I’m also struggling with this :frowning:
Everything was working when one day boom, it stopped. I really cannot figure out what happened. I tried to renew the certificates, reset devices, reboot mac. Nothing helped.