Hi, I’m having this error with the new update of Unity.
Unable to load mono library from “C:/Users/Emerson/Desktop/Simuladores/Vale/Simulador SIMBRA Vale_Data/Mono/mono.dll” (error = 126).
I receive this error when I try to run the standalone.
Hi, I’m having this error with the new update of Unity.
Unable to load mono library from “C:/Users/Emerson/Desktop/Simuladores/Vale/Simulador SIMBRA Vale_Data/Mono/mono.dll” (error = 126).
I receive this error when I try to run the standalone.
Does mono.dll exist at that path?
Yes, the file is there.
This problem only happens when I generate the standalone with x86_64 architecture. When I generate with x86 only, it works fine.
Please allow me to sleep!
In c:/Program Files (x86)/Unity/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines you should see folders which are used when building to different platforms. You should have a windows64stadaloneplayer folder, inside which is a Data/Mono/mono.dll. This should be a 64-bit DLL. You might care to check that the mono.dll that ends up in your build is this 64-bit DLL.
so its running the wrong version by default??
From over 6 years ago? Perhaps you replied to the wrong thread.