Fake PS1 "jittery movement" effect in Unity?

Hello, I’m working on a game with a similar style to a PS1 game and I’ve got the details of both textures and models spot-on, but it doesn’t quite look like an old PS1 game - it lacks the jittery movement or the way everything snapped to a grid and didn’t appear to move smoothly when you moved the camera. Look at the first answer here

It explains the reason why that happened. So my question is, is it possible to do/fake that in Unity and how?

Any type of floor/ceil of numbers would get that to a certain degree.

eg. instead of X,Y,Z being stuff like (12.3, 0.9, 3.638372) you would get (12, 1, 4)

Essentially, if you want to simulate old clunky animation you need to “compress” or “crush” your positions and such into a “less than accurate” number