Fake Volumetic look

look at this

567666–20142–$fog.zip (59.1 KB)

Screens plz!
soz, i’m lazy.


He means screenshots

Interesting but it will be unusable in a game environment having that much overdraw?

screens… where are they?

A stack of semi-transparent boxes, right?

@ bigkahuna no but close
@hippocoder I’m working on that problem i mite just use them for particles

Just don’t use it. Its a nice experiment but it has no real purpose in games.

it looks realy good as particles tho.

and overdraw is not a problem if you use a particle shader.

This looks like 2 stacks of planes to me with one stack being rotated 90 degrees in relation to the other… thus the close to box but not really. I could see where if you used particles in a predefined pattern array that it could also work. Could you tell us what kind of performance you get with the particle solution?

This could be very useful if made black for mimicing the darkness of a hole or tunnel diving two rooms etc… With particles you’d be stuck with one texture which would kind of make it hard to use for clouds etc… I wonder if you could make a mesh like this in maya etc… might lower the draw calls if using one material and a single abstract mesh.

Nice project though, experiments like this keep the creativity and problem solving flowing. I love it.

very close there are 3 stacks of plans
and i mite have some one make a shader like this.

Can you show some screenshots?

here is the particle test
i’m working on the shader now and it will not need pro to use it

this will need more work.
567984–20154–$particle test.zip (135 KB)


Nice…kinda remind me this article http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/3680/a_more_accurate_volumetric_.php

Very good, I wish Unity would support volumetric textures.

You can Put it in the the wish List.
@rea LOL I’v seen that article before
