we are working on a real shader now but this is what to expect
i will post screen shots
the water moves and rippels
569119–20242–$water and Lava.zip (1.12 MB)
UUUH shiny =D pretty cool mate.
Keep the good work.
It looks like blue fog. But its cool.
this is really nice …im extremely interest in using this for my water…since your faking volumetric water…how does the affect the frame rate…i know in theory its supposed to not take much effort to render among with other things on the screen…and how do you set this up in the unity * keep me updated
it can be a nice and cheap version to make fur (like shadow of the colossus) or even better, foam like in king-kong the game
(@ 7sec. )
good job!
@TeamWhiteSnow i dos have an afect on the fram rate, thats y we are working on a shader to do all of this for you. i will let u know wen the shader is done.
ok thanks
It looks amazing, but only from the outside, once you get inside it looks weird and has layers, nonetheless its nice water and has a charming color to it
@artimese layers??
Well, you said fake, so I took a close look in the water and it seems like you’re using layers of some sort (by the looks of it from my judgement) I never worked with volumetric stuff other than lighting…
Very nice, but it would probably look better with some sort of shiny top surface to keep it from looking like fog.