I’m working on a game that uses a certain font to display text, which is only made of western characters (latin charset). However, the game is localized in japanese.
Since that font cannot display japanese characters, I have put a fallback font in the western font that supports japanese characters: therefore if a character isn’t found in the western atlas, it’s taken from the japanese atlas.
This works great, and allows my game to seamlessly go from one language to another just by using a fallback font.
However, if I have a text mesh pro with japanese characters, and I SetText
western characters into it, instead of simply using the normal font instead of the fallback one the text mesh will get “stuck” and ghost the previous characters on to the new ones.
(Here you can see: despite containing only the words “TrackMasters”, the mesh renders two texts at once because it used to contain a japanese word)
How can I solve this problem? Currently, SetActive(false) then SetActive(true) is enough to clear that mess but it makes everything blink and it’s not pretty.
Is there a more persistent solution? I would like my game to work both in japanese and english.
Thank you very much