Falling Platforms

hi guys!

I am having a bit of a problem implementing some functionality in a 3D platformer I am working on. Basicallay I would like to have the character land on a platform, and as soon as the collision is detected the platform begins to fall away.

I seem to be having an issue with the collisions. My character will collide with the block and trigger the fall but will also fall straight through the block. I have the block set up as a rigid body and onTriggerEnter for gravity to be turned on for it to fall, the player is just a capsule at the moment with a Third person controller attached to it. Is there something fundamental I am missing?

Is the block itself set up as a trigger? Triggers don’t collide in physics, which would be why your character falls through it.

Make a separate trigger object and have the block be a non-trigger collider.

Thanks starManta .

Just to be clear do you mean set up an empty GameObject, set it as a child of the platform and let that be the trigger?

Yep, that’d do it.