Falling through floor on some computers

Hi! i’m having a trouble that only happens with my game on some computers, when some players open a door they will fall through the floor on the next room.

The doors on my game are just objects with a isTrigger box collider, and using function OnTriggerStay detects if a gameobject with a “Player” tag is on the ox collider, if the player presses a button the door changes the position of the player and then loads a new scene, i even set the “y” component of the movement vector of my character to zero so it’s not falling at that instant.

function OnTriggerStay(col : Collider)

	if(col.tag == "Player")

					col.transform.position = NewPosition + Vector3.up * 2;
					col.GetComponent(Walk).MoveDirection.y = 0;



The problem is that on some computers the character falls through the ground on the scene that is loaded, but on some other computers and my own computer that doesn’t happens, some of my scenes have mesh colliders at the ground, don’t know if that has anything to do with that issue, i don’t know why that happens. Thanks in advance!!!

I am pretty sure that that’s a lag problem (actually i’m almost certain) you might be able to fix this by going to Edit>Project Settings>Time I usually have “Fixed Time Step” = 0.01 and “Maximum Aloud Time Step” = 0.02 note: this will make the game slower when it lags rather than “jumpy”

It could be a level streaming issue, if you’re doing something like Application.LoadLevelAdditive(). Not sure if this applies with LoadLevel(), though, since I thought that unloads the current level and loads the given one.

Irrespective, does the player enter the room before the room’s collider loads? You can check this by pausing play via script with Debug.Break() when you think the room should be loaded properly.