Falling through floor

Hi, Im new to unity and my first person controller keeps falling though the terrain. The terrain has a collider and my fp controller has a collider too. Is trigger is not checked. The colliders arent touching each other. It also falls though cubes. Im using unity 3.1. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Try moving your character a fair bit off the floor and then hit play -- what sometimes happens is that when you place your character too close into the terrain floor, the colliders will fall through each other.

Hi All,

Just in case people are searching for an answer to this, like I was, I had a similar problem. It turns out I set the XYZ of the Main Camera attached to the First Person Controller – and not the First Person Controller. Make sure that the Main Camera attached to the First Person Controller XYZ is set to 0,0,0 (or something appropriate). Then, set the XYZ of the First Person Controller.

~ Scott

Im so excited because I am a n00b but I have fixed this!! I had a model based off of a cylinder. He fell through the floor no matter what! What I did was
A. Make a new Empty Object
B. Scale it so that it fits inside of your object
C. Move it down so that the bottom just barely goes under your object
D. Make the new object the Parent of your object by dragging your object onto it
E. Apply your movement scripts to the new Empty Object instead of your object
~~ Hope this helps!!