Hi Community,
I did a script, which adds collision points to make walls. My script (should) actually declare my points in the correct order: newVerticies.Add(new Vector2(x, y++)); newVerticies.Add(new Vector2(x, y));
When my script runs, the first index is X, Y and then X, Y + 1 for example.
I tried to do solve this with .Insert but I got the same result: newVerticies.Insert(0,new Vector2(x, y++)); newVerticies.Insert(1,new Vector2(x, y));
If you need a bigger part or the complete script to help, tell me.
I don’t quite understand your problem. Your code does exactly what you get. You use the post-increment operator. That means it first evaluates the current value of the variable and then increment the value.
int i = 3;
int a = i++; // a == 3
int b = i; // b == 4
If you use the pre-increment operator the result would be:
int i = 3;
int a = ++i; // a == 4
int b = i; // b == 4
Though i have the feeling that you don’t want any of that. I guess you want y+1 in the first index and y in the second. Just do: