I’ve been working on this, which I jokingly call my own version of Massive.
It’s more of a simulation than a game, but it’s rather fun (though slow).
Select the teams by clicking on the characters, then set up the formations by clicking each one. Each unit type is worth a set value, and each unit can hold a certain value. If the unit type value exceeds the unit value, the unit will be left empty! For example, there will be three Hunters spawned in a Core (8/24), but only one Troll (16/24). The leftover points will be unused, but that will make the total value of the army less.
If you play against a human, it’s good to let the winner set his army first, and then the loser can match his choises.
It’s not completely balanced yet, but note this for example; Bowmen take out Swordmen, Swordmen takes out Hunters, Hunters take out Bowmen.
Experiment to find your favorite formation.
Try to not switch teams in between rounds, to get that campaign feeling.
First to ten, or something. The game relies on your own imagination. Think of a story or something.
The game uses a rather effective catch-up, the top dog should fear ruin.
What else can I say? Oh, yeah. You can switch cameras with the arrow keys.
More units to come, more races to come, definetly more levels to come.
Oh, and please report all errors and bugs to me, as well as comments and suggestions. I will make a list and fix as much as I can.
For some reason the zip file you created doesn’t have executable permissions set on the application.
(Applications on OS X need to be executable to be allowed to run)
Did you use the finder context menu Create Archive?
The old link should be invalid now, though.
This is zipped in finder, rather than with ZipIt, as the previous.
ZipIt seems to often not work. Let’s see what Finder can do.
that’s some cool ai you got going. runs a bit slow for me but that’s probably expected as i’m on a g4. great that they run away fear! and i like the way they go after the next. good stuff.
Thanks. Comments like those makes it all worthwhile.
Is there anything you’d like to see added contentswise, or changed? If it runs too slow, try using more expensive units, as they will cause less units to be spawned. There can be between 6 (all trolls) and 82 (all harassers) units at the start of every battle…
agree with what’s been said, the ai works quite well.
one general suggestion for now - add in some more camera options so we can see the carnage better - mouse orbit, zoom etc. - more than once the bots chased someone off camera and all i could do was hear what was happening (which was quite funny by itself ; )
You are supposed to be able to switch between cameras… oh… fudge… I accidetally removed that function in my frantic attempt to combat the missing textures bug. It’s a long story. I forewent actual camera control, for sake of two player fairness. It’s not nice if one of the players gets to steer the camera. Also, if you get in there, “real deep-like”, it’s not as pretty anymore. Although, it let’s you get a closer look at the often painful and comical arrow hits! I’m thinking… southward ones.
Also, static cameras give it a … cinematic experience.
i see, but maybe then some different pre-set views (one low angle a bit closer for instance) that could be toggled between? that way you could control the frame composition / fairness and at the same time give the user a few options to play with mid-battle ; )
edit - dope! reread your post it sounds like that’s what you had already - i read too quick sometimes…
That is really cool! The gameplay is too simple for me I think… I don’t want to sit back and watch what happens! I want who wins to be decided by gaming skill or careful thinking like chess instead of a tic tac toe style setup where there is a small number of choices and you can almost always win if you memorize how it goes.
Except in tic tac toe the first person can always win if the second person is stupid, else it is always a tie and in this game the last person can always win, period… The only way to make it fair would be to not let player 2 see what player 1 is picking and not let player 1 see what player 2 picks. Or maybe just one of the things that eachother picks, with a few rounds of selecting troops so that each person has an equal chance to spy on the other’s camp and adjust their forces accordingly.
That way it would involve a lot more strategy and more thinking, plus the time spent actually “playing” the game would be longer.
I love what you have accomplished already though. It it quite cool!
I’ve seen battles with the exact same settings go completely differently. It’s all very random. You do have a point, but I think there is still a great deal of strategy picking correct formations of troops. For instance, where you put a troll can have a HUGE influence. Even when you see what the other guy did, things often don’t go according to plan. I’m gonna focus on adding more contents in the form of units and levels, rather than messing with the engine. It seems every time I fix something, I break something else. Now that it’s all just sorta come together, I want to keep changes to it minimal unless convincingly necessary.
I agree that it isn’t exactly as certain as a thing like tic tac toe because of chaos theory and how it always comes out differently, but if I were you I would bite the bullet and focus on creating more gameplay. I think a layer of secrecy would be perfect for that cause. Seems like all it would take in upgrading the team selection screen a lot.
Another idea is to give each player a “Hero” that they can control with the arrow keys and a button to attack with. Just a simple thing to control that would let there be more of a interactive feel during the battle scene.
You don’t have to listen to me but I liked what you are doing so I wanted to give input.
I guess I really shouldn’t be talking because I haven’t played it against anyone else yet. Well see how that goes but I suspect after a while it will get to whoever goes first loses most of the time.