Fantasy Creator Kit

NOW IN STORE: “Town Creator Kit”

  • This kit features about 170+ objects to use in your game! From house models, to exterior and interior. Many fences, walls, floors, and roofs. Along with supplies to dress up your town or village as you need.

  • Most Folders in this pack have their own materials folder, consisting of multiple textures to give you more looks to your objects. Allowing for less repetition per user. Most objects are easy on the tris, and have smooth edges for nicer looks.

  • There are a good dozen basic house models i have created for your use, and can be taken apart, or textured a few different ways. I like to make most of my house models fully walkable in and out. Door are on proper axis so you can add animations to open or close them, without worrying about improper axis placements!

On my website there is a brief video showing some models, and a basic town that i have created.
This pack is a mere $25 on the asset store, and i do recommend checking it out, as there will be many more packs like this. I am currently building more to go along with this one, from a wide variety of furniture, to entire castle builder, through cemtaries, to dungeons. My pack will each consist of atleast 100+ different objects, for a wide variety to full buld your games as original as you desire!

Please if anyone has any questions, please let me know before purchasing!

Thanks - Aquarius Max

Any link to the asset store page for us to take a look???.

Yes indeed, my appologies. Please do take a look at my video of some house models on my website, as i forgot to place it on the page. Here is the asset link:

To clear things up, and specify what my packs are about:

  • Not that many people have access to, or are confident in their self to build 3D models. I create these packs for the public, so people do not have to feel shy from their creativity, or stress on lack of supplies. With the dozens of different walls, etc that are included in this pack, each user can fully create their models, inside and out, from scratch. Whether it be a very simple house model, to an advanced multi-floor building or apartment! All of my packs soon to be released, will have that sort of asset included, to really customize their own styles, freely as they can!