here it comes ! Very nice ! Will you set up the occlusion culling for all this huge stuff ?? ( and maybe a web player … well i’ve already seen the walk through video but a web player would be really nice ). Hope others would like it enough to buy it.
Best wishes for this work !
Sure I will do it when will prepare map for Unity. For now I am planing to sell it with simple FBX/OBJ format plus MAX file of course, as I usually do.
Unfortunately I am not very advanced Unity user, so it will take some time to setup it in Unity pot and to put on Asset Store here.
It will not comes to Unity as single mesh. Scene has 1100 independent objects. You can arrange it in MAX and in Unity as you wish. Don’t see any problem here.
The problem with your stuff is that i want everything, I can see so many situations to use them in, I buy them but I never use them then you release something else and I want it all over again…
I hate dungeons. I hate fantasy. I hate caves. I hate medievil dungeons in fantasy games… but this looks so darn nice I just want it…
So sad…