I have a game where i have objects changing position on each frame. I have their positions stored in an array and i want to draw a circle or a point or something at their last 200 positions for example giving an idea of their movement.
If i use the LineRenderer to connect these positions it’s very fast and works ok. But i now want it to be points and not a single line.
I tried to use Primitive.Sphere and Primitive.Cylinder but they are making my game very slow. And i do not instantiate them and destroy them at every frame.
I create them at the Start() function and then in Update() i just change their positions.
I tried two ways to check performance. Built in arrays where i change the position of every point at each frame Update. And LinkedLists where i have the points and i just change the position of the Last Node to the current one and i then remove it and Add it in the front.
Both ways are extremely slow and i would like an option to draw these points at each frame. I want around 2000-5000 points ( might want last 50-200 for each object ).
function initializeSpheres2(){
spheresList = new LinkedList.<GameObject>();
for( i=0; i<lengthOfLineRenderer; i++ ){
var sphere = newSphere();
spheresList.AddFirst( sphere );
function updateSpheres2(){
var moveObj : moveObject = gameObject.GetComponent(moveObject);
var pos : Vector3;
var i : int;
var cNode : LinkedListNode.<GameObject>;
for( var sph : GameObject in spheresList ){
sph.renderer.enabled = false;
// change the positon of the last sphere to the current one
pos = moveObj.waypoints[ moveObj.currentWaypoint ];
pos.y = -1F;
cNode = spheresList.Last;
cNode.Value.transform.position = pos;
spheresList.AddFirst( cNode );
// enable only the necessary spheres
cNode = spheresList.First;
for( i=0; cNode != null; cNode=cNode.Next ){
//if( i % distancePerPoint == 0 )
cNode.Value.renderer.enabled = true;
the function newSphere justs creates a sphere or a cylinder and sets its initial positions.
function newSphere(){
var sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive( PrimitiveType.Cylinder );
sphere.collider.isTrigger = true;
sphere.transform.position = gameObject.transform.position;
sphere.transform.rotation = gameObject.transform.rotation;
sphere.transform.position.y -= 1.0F;
sphere.transform.localScale.y = 0.025;
sphere.transform.localScale.x = 0.05;
sphere.transform.localScale.z = 0.05;
sphere.renderer.material.color = Color.red;
sphere.renderer.castShadows = false;
sphere.renderer.enabled = false;
sphere.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
return sphere;