Unity crash in the editor and I cannot load it now. Do I have lost all my assets ?
When I launch Unity.exe, I always have the next error :
Any help to correct this?
Unity crash in the editor and I cannot load it now. Do I have lost all my assets ?
When I launch Unity.exe, I always have the next error :
Any help to correct this?
Well, something is amiss in that project and you can at least get Unity to launch, without opening that project, by holding down the Alt/Option key on launch. Doing that will launch Unity and open the project picker dialog letting you at least launch the app.
From there you may have a tough job of recreating that other project, I’m personally just not familiar with that error. You might try opening Unity with another project, then opening that one. Or perhaps rename that project folder and then open it so you open a new empty scene instead of whatever scene you were last working on.
I have try your solution, I can launch unity with “Alt” method but my project stay corrupted.
It’s the third time I have this error!
I have lost 2 days of work… I don’t know what to do… It happened when I save my scene. Unity crash suddenly… And after, I cannot reload my project anymore.
All work is lost
Although we obviously attempt to keep Unity as reliable as possible, ultimately the situation is the same as with any other software - you do need to make backups of important work.
Just a thought, have you moved the project folder directly on the desktop or removed anything from it like that? You can sometimes fix problems like this by putting things back as they were.