Fatal Error! Disk I/O error

So every time I import something into unity. Unity crashes, saying Fatal Error! Disk I/O error. And when I try to start the project again, the same error comes up again, and unity shuts down. And I have no idea what the problem is. I’ve looked around everywhere, but there isn’t anything about this. I’ve tried deleting the cache files, I’ve tried deleting the Library file and Temp file. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled but I’m still getting this problem.

Someone please help me out.

I know the question is a bit old now, but in case someone has the same problem…

Most probably Unity can’t access certain parts of your hard drive. Either because it does not have permissions or because the sector is corrupted.
I had the error recently when Unity was trying to update a project I had on a OneDrive folder (=cloud). I actually could not do anything on the files while I had not started the OneDrive service and connected online. It kinda locked the permissions. Your problem could be very different, but check the access of your files in the first place.

Good luck !