Fatal error java.io.IOException

I got this email from Unity Cloud:

FATAL: java.io.IOException: Unexpected termination of the channel
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Unexpected termination of the channel
ERROR: Build step failed with exception
Finished: FAILURE

Doesn’t seem like it has anything to with my project. Is this due to some error in Unity Cloud? Let me know if you guys need anything to debug this, like a project ID.

Can you PM me a link to your project so I can look into it?


Was this ever resolved? I am getting the same exact error in my project. Thank you for any insight.

This was a transient network error in the case above. If you are seeing it repeatedly, please PM me a link to your project so I can investigate.

I only saw it once, after I retried the build it worked without any changes on my part.
