What makes particular scene special for Unity to load, so that Unity sometimes crashes inside libunity.so?
How can I prevent crashing as workaround until this bug in Unity for Android is fixed?
P.S. Forum has been broken for years. It takes me dozens of attempts to fill forms and get thread posted. Authorization is completely buggy. Looks like Preview button does not work: “The following error occurred: Sign in here”. So I’m just posting text as is, unable to test layout or formatting, sorry for that.
Yes, I can reproduce it locally on the whole project, but cannot narrow down minimalistic repro for submit to issue tracker.
I will download and try 5.5.4p1, if you think it may help. There was some runtime issue that had prevented us from upgrading from 5.5.0 on Android. But probably crash is more harmful so it’s worth migrating, if it helps.
Well there were tons of fixes between the initial 5.5 release and the latest patch, so it’s hard to say which one worked. Using the latest patch release against a .0 version sounds like a good idea to me.
On the transition freeze - anything in the logcat of a development build? Are you using OBB?
We are, in production. But we are experiencing freezes even in dev builds with no OBB. (Anyway, the problem happens after OBB is successfully downloaded and discovered.)
Logcat gives nothing special, but Profiler shows huge spike (~100 seconds) in Loading.UpdatePreloading > Application.WaitForAsyncOperationToComplete on Android device. This doesn’t happen in 5.5.0, but looks like smth is locking synchronously in 5.5.4.
I’ve got this huge spike in Profiler on Unity 5.5.4p1, which does not happen in 5.5.0p4: 105736.19 ms. What can cause such huge lag? We cannot migrate to latest patch release until this regression is solved.
It’s hard to say - something huge is being loaded and waited for. Do you have an idea what code is causing this? What are your scripts doing for 30+ms every frame before that?
Whatever it is, it should not only explain this lag on Android via Unity 5.5.4. It should also explain absence of such freeze in Unity 5.5.0 or on iOS.
In actual project, the scene I’m testing against is basically 2D NGUI, with no 3D models in it. When I try to isolate problem and asynchronously load heavy scene (65 Mb, 28K game objects) in new project, I cannot catch this freeze in 5.5.4. (But I succeeded to catch crash in 5.5.0 while concurrent loading prefabs.)