FatalError when calling playbackManager.SetPlaybackDatasetUri(datasetUri); on android

Hi, i am using the playback functionality of AR Core Extensions my code is as follows

bool setPlaybackDataset = false;
    float timeout;
    Uri datasetUri;
    public void loadSceneMP4(string path)
        setPlaybackDataset = true;
        m_Session.enabled = false;
        timeout = 30f;
        Debug.Log("Path mp4 "+ path);
            Debug.Log("Si Existe archivo");
        else {
            Debug.Log("No existe archivo");
        //datasetUri = new System.Uri("file://"+path);
        bool result = Uri.TryCreate(@"file://"+path, UriKind.Absolute, out datasetUri)
            && (datasetUri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeFile);
        if (result)
            Debug.Log("Uri valida");
            Debug.Log("Uri invalida");

        Debug.Log("URI DIR: "+ datasetUri.LocalPath);

    void Update(){
        if (setPlaybackDataset){
            PlaybackResult result = playbackManager.SetPlaybackDatasetUri(datasetUri);
            if (result == PlaybackResult.ErrorPlaybackFailed){
                timeout -= Time.deltaTime;
                Debug.Log("Session error playback");
            else if (result == PlaybackResult.SessionNotReady){
                timeout -= Time.deltaTime;
            else if(result == PlaybackResult.ErrorSessionUnsupported){
            else if(result == PlaybackResult.ErrorSessionNotPaused){
                timeout = -1f;

            if (timeout < 0.0f)
                m_Session.enabled = true;
                setPlaybackDataset = false;
                //error o se logro

Variable path is called and has the following value “/device_storage/DCIM/ARproject/videos/17-08-2022-18-05-50.mp4”

at first it says SessionNotReady then after a few seconds throws this error

Playback dataset failed with unexpected status: ErrorFatal

For some reason when i try File.Exists( @ ) it says that file doesnt exists, i already try to put a “@” to file path but that doesnt work either, but when i try Uri.TryCreate and the other stuff, it says uri is correct.
The file mp4 is in the directory, directory is correct… but for some reason i cant make it work, also i verified the “file://” of android (it only has two because my path variable starts with a “/”) and is correct, i already search but i didnt find any info so i am asking here if anyone knows a solution, thanks.

After several testing i found that it was the path, in order to make it work i had to use it as follows:

not like:

i had to be as symlink

so in order to make it work i did this code:

string pathFix =  path;
pathFix =  pathFix.Replace("/device_storage/", "/storage/emulated/0/");

i am stil testing it so maybe i will have to add more code to fix the issue in all phones