Dear Unity Friends,
Flipbook Games proudly presents its latest Editor Extension - the Favorites Tabs, available now on Asset Store!
Favorites Tabs was made to improve your efficiency while working in Unity Editor by providing easy and quick access to assets and scene objects which you would be using most often. Instead of wasting your time trying to find your favorite asset hidden inside a couple of folders and subfolders (whose names you’re always struggling to remember) you can now easily add that asset to your favorites by simply toggling the star icon next to its name. And same for the game objects in your scenes, just toggle the star icon and they will be added to your list of favorites.
Now all your favorites will be listed in the new Favorites view which is armed with powerful features for quick and easy navigation to the desired object, such as full mouse and keyboard support, drag&drop, multiple selections, search, filtering, sorting, and even more will be coming in the future!
Best of all is that your favorites are only yours, while your teammates have their own favorites even though you’re all working on the same project and same scenes! Now modelers can bookmark their meshes, materials, and textures, animators can bookmark their animations and characters, while programmers may want to bookmark their scripts and scene objects where those scripts are used. And all of them would bookmark the scenes they are working with to easily switch from one to another…
EDIT: Posting the screenshots here as they seem to be missing currently on Asset Store
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This is the list of features extracted from the readme file:
Initial Release Features:
- Native look and feel, very similar to Project and Hierarchy views!
- No learning required! Just use your common Unity Editor knowledge and see it working as you would expect.
- Easy to mark or unmark favorite assets and scene object with just a single mouse-click.
- Easy to spot your favorite assets or scene objects in the Project and Hierarchy window, even when the Favorites Tab is closed!
- Favorites Tab displays all favorites sorted by name or type.
- Search by name functionality.
- Filters to show only assets or scene objects.
- Keyboard and mouse are fully supported.
- Selection synchronization. Select an item in the Favorites Tab to easily find it in the Hierarchy or Project views.
- Multiple favorite items selections.
- Dragging items from the Favorites Tab to any other Unity view is fully supported.
- Double click or press F key (or use context menu) to Frame the selected scene object in the Scene View, same as from the Hierarchy view.
- Double click or press Enter key (or use context menu) to open the selected asset, same as from the Project view.
- Works with teams! All team members have their own list of favorites even if they share the same project!
- GUID based asset references, so that assets exported and imported into another project remain in your list of favorites.
- Full source code provided for your reference or modification!

All your comments, suggestions or questions are very welcome!
Interesting fact: Favorites Tabs might be the only Unity extension which has been used in it’s own development!!! 
And it helped a lot!
My apologies for not being able to post some screenshot yet, I promise to do that soon. I’m just too busy now working on Script Inspector’s exciting new update, but if you have any questions or comments regarding Favorites Tabs feel free to post them here and I’ll be glad to answer!
Thanks to all of you who already bought it! I would appreciate some reviews, star ratings, or comments in this thread 
Is it a problem if I’m the only team member using Favorites tab? I see that once I select something as favorited in the scene hierarchy, Unity marks the scene as changed, but I’m not committing favorites tab assets to our version control.
No, there’s no problem with working alone on a project. Your favorites are stored in the editor preferences and that’s how they are tied to you only and not to your teammates. However, Unity does not provide any functionality to uniquely identify game objects as it does for the assets, so to make your favorites persistent I’ve implemented my own mechanism for assigning GUID’s to scene objects. This is a non-intrusive system, which means your scene objects will not be modified and no component will be added to them to ensure the size and performance of your final game remains the same. The only thing modified in the scene is the GUID manager used for mapping GUID’s to scene objects. This is a very simple map container which is not used in runtime but only in editor mode. All the functionality is inside editor scripts. The GUID manager creates new GUID’s on demand, whenever you bookmark a scene object that has never been a favorite before. So in short, to keep your newly added favorite scene objects you’d have to save the changes of the scene, but there’s no need to put those changes to source control as this is not related to that at all.
Thanks for purchasing it, and I hope you’ll find it very useful! 
Hey Nezabyte, I totally misunderstood your question!
Sorry about that! Please disregard that one, and see the answer below:
If you are the only one using Favorites Tab within your team you should make sure the following file is committed to your version control and shared with other team members through project’s assets:
This is the component that serves as a GUID mapper for scene objects referenced from the Favorites Tab. Favorites Tab creates one instance automatically in the scene if it doesn’t exist already. That’s one case when the scene gets marked as modified, and the second one is when you bookmark a game object that hasn’t been bookmarked before, so a new GUID is created and mapped to it. You’ll have to save and commit the modified scene of course, to keep your newly added favorites.
I hope this makes more sense now! 
Yes, that makes sense, thanks! 
How do you find it so far? If you have any suggestions for improvements just let me know and I’ll consider them for the next update.
Favorites Tabs is still waiting for the first review, would you mind posting one?
I actually purchased it last night and only got a chance to play around with it for a couple minutes so far. Seems that it will be quite useful though as our game becomes more complex. I’ll definitely follow up with some feedback after using it some more.
@Nezabyte: Thanks for the awesome review
and great suggestions! All of them will be available with the next update 
No problem and thanks
I’ve come up with a couple more ideas as I continue to use the tool. Would love for you to consider them for your future updates:
- Remove all favorited items with 1 click (I use it partly as a to-do list, so it would be nice to easily start fresh for my next to-do’s)
- Allow favoriting of game object children in Project tab (can already do this in Hierarchy tab)
Great idea! Thanks 
Well that would be nice to have but in Unity 3.5 it is not possible.
This is because only files and folder in the Project tab have GUID’s. These kind of assets are called main-assets in Unity, and some of them may have so called sub-assets which get extracted from the same file, so they all share the same GUID as their main-asset. That makes them impossible to identify and distinguish inside EditorApplication.projectWindowItemOnGUI callback as it only takes the GUID as a parameter. I don’t know is this somehow improved in Unity 4, that would be great if it is!
Thanks for all the suggestions, and if you come up with something else just let me know
just don’t ask me for commission 
Ah gotcha, no problem!
Also, ran into an odd problem. Tried compiling our game into an .exe for some testing, and these compiler errors showed up. Any ideas? I’m not sure why it would even try to compile non-game assets anyway. I also have your Script Inspector asset, which is located in Editor/FlipbookGames/ScriptInspector, and didn’t have any weird compiler errors for that one.
-----CompilerOutput:-stdout–exitcode: 1–compilationhadfailure: True–outfile: Temp/Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll
Compilation failed: 3 error(s), 0 warnings
Assets/Plugins/FlipbookGames/FavoritesTab/Editor/Scripts/AboutFavoritesTab.cs(12,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name UnityEditor' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference? Assets/Plugins/FlipbookGames/FavoritesTab/Editor/Scripts/FavoritesTab.cs(33,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name
UnityEditor’ could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
Assets/Plugins/FlipbookGames/FavoritesTab/Editor/Scripts/FavoritesTab.cs(94,56): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `AssetPostprocessor’ could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
Hi Nezabyte!
I just reproed the problem. Unity ignores the Editor folder if it is placed inside Plugins in a deeper level as it is in your case, but Plugins/Editor works just fine. So if you really want to keep the Favorites Tabs inside your Plugins folder you should do something like this for example:

This works for me, let me know if it does for you 
Thanks for the quick reply. I decided I’d like to move the files to the Editor folder with ScriptInspector for consistency. I ran into various errors while trying to move the files there, so I figured the best idea would be to start fresh by removing Favorites Tab files and importing them back in.
After deleting the Favorites tab files, restarting, and trying to build the .exe again, I ran into these warnings. Tried a couple more times with restarting, but they aren’t going away. Any idea what I should do for clean deletion of Favorites Tab?
That’s happening because FG_GameObjectGUIDs.cs script is missing now in your Project. Try putting back the Common folder or just ignore this warning for now and I’ll help you with something else later today.
Hello Everyone!
Favorites Tab version 1.1 just got accepted and it’s already available on Asset Store. Please update!
New in this version is that now you will be able to remove multiple items from your favorites at once, just select all the items you want to remove using Shift or Ctrl/Cmd, or select all items with Ctrl+A, right click one of the selected items and choose Remove from Favorites in the popup menu. Many thanks to Nezabyte for this suggestion!
Another change is that now FG_GameObjectGUIDs game objects is not going to be hidden in your scene anymore. This is the game object that holds references to other game objects and maps them with GUID’s used by the Favorites Tab for bookmarking. This change comes again thanks to Nezabyte and his experience with the Favorites Tab, which was partly my fault, and I apologize for that! Important lesson learned, so now FG_GameObjectsGUIDs is not going to be hidden anymore and now those who want to remove the Favorites Tab from a project can easily do that.
Thanks, and please let me know what you think about the new Favorites Tab! 
I just noticed all the screenshot were missing on Asset Store, so I put them at the beginning of this thread, while I’m waiting for asset store people to update…
And here’s the last screenshot, as this forum only allows to attach 5 files per post:
New Favorites Tab version 1.2 will be coming soon with slightly different name - Favorites Tabs
with support for multiple tabs, as you may have guessed! Each Favorites tab will have its own filtering and search settings, configurable and persistent between sessions, so you may set one tab in the upper left corner to show your favorite scenes, one next to the Project tab to show only prefabs, one behind the Hierarchy tab to show only scene objects, and let’s say one below the Inspector tab showing only scripts - the choice is yours! 
Would that be cool now?