FB.Mobile.AppInvite doesn't send invites to iOS users but does to Android users

My code to send an invite:

	FB.Mobile.AppInvite (
		new System.Uri ("https://fb.me/<ID>"),

I have setup Facebook app links to redirect to my app depending on the platform (iOS or Android).

The problem is, when I send an invite to a user on an iOS device he doesn’t receive it. But when I send an invite to a user on an Android device he does receive it.

And no, none of the recipient users have the app installed or ever installed. On iOS devices, invitations aren’t received on both Safari or Facebook app. It’s puzzling why it works when invites are sent to Android but not to iOS.

My app isn’t live, but that shouldn’t matter since I’m testing all this with test users only.

Not sure if this relevant but unless FB have caught up with the development lag behind Unity’s regular updates. I think you may find that FB’s SDK (latest) does not work as intended with 2017.1 and .2 it has been mentioned elsewhere and by me a thread started a month or two back.

I suspect you will have to check the devloper side on FB to see which SDK they recommend to which Unity release. I myself rolled back from 2017.1 to 5.6.0f and kept FB SDK 7.8

Not sure the exact bug details but my issue was not getting the profile texture callback to sprite to work. I have no idea if its been fixed?