Hi All!
I’ve got 2 quick questions, regarding importing an animated character from in FBX format…
How do I make the FBX loop?
My animation is a Run cycle. I don’t however want the character to actually change position in the animation (right?)… How do I let the Animation take place, while keeping the character on the same place?
Thanks in advance!!
You go in FBX options while inside unity and click on one drop down menu thats in anmation options and select loop and press apply
question 2 i need help with that to.
In the FBXImporter for that model, Animations → Animation Wrap Mode → Loop… Thanks man!
Anybody any idea how to help us with nr2, making the animation not change position??
Thanks in advance!
fix it in 3dsmax so it runs on the spot by removing the root node transform on the bones or via it’s keys. Alternatively you could consider overriding the bone position in code but thats ugly.
Great, thanks! Ill try out your suggestions.
I didn’t understand properly the #2 upload some pics or video so that i understand better and they answered #1
Hippocoder awnsered nr.2, it’s making the model run on the spot, rather them moving In the animation itself… You dont want that,
Why can’t I see those options anywhere?
modes and display is minimized by default, if im not mistaken…
Yep if youre using a biped go to the motion panel, under ‘workbench’ and ‘mixer’ buttons are the main Biped options and under the 2nd row of these buttons is the ‘Modes and display’ options which you need to click the plus next to to open out
Select the circle button at the end to keep the biped in place
When I try the change wrap animation to loop in the fbx importer and click play the wrap mode just goes back to default?
you didn’t hit the apply button. it’s at the bottom.