FBX Animation Import

I’m exporting an FBX animation on an object from 3DS into Unity. Things are working really great, except that my ease-in/ease-outs are not importing correctly. In fact, I get no ease-in/ease-out at all. Are there specific settings in the FBX exporter or Unity importer for this? Also, I can’t seem to edit the key frames of the imported animation in Unity to add ease-in, etc. I can see the key frames in the animation editor, but I can select them. Any suggestions?



Unity should import position curves exactly as they are in your modeling tool (with correct tangents, step and linear keys). Unity (unfortunately) doesn’t do the same for rotation and scale curves. It resamples rotation and scale curves and applies smooth tangents. I haven’t managed to fix this yet due to a problem in FBX SDK.


You can’t edit imported curves, because they are read-only. You need to duplicate imported animation clip and then you’ll be able to edit tangents.

OK, thanks for the info!