This thread will be updated each time a new release of the FBX Exporter package becomes available.
For more information about the FBX Exporter package, please have a look at our documentation.
Please create a new thread for feature requests, bug reports, or general discussion using the fbx tag. For bug reports in particular, it helps us immensely if you prepare a minimal project that reproduces your issue. Submit a bug report using the Unity Bug Reporter and include the id you receive (via email) in your post.
To install this package, open the Package Manager, click the + at the top left and select Add package by name…. Enter com.unity.formats.fbx as the name and and 4.0.0-pre.4 as the version and click Add.
Alternatively, you may edit Packages/manifest.json and add "com.unity.formats.fbx": "4.0.0-pre.4", to the list of dependencies, or edit the existing entry and update the version.
We are pleased to announce that FBX Exporter version 4.0.1 is now available. That’s right, no more -pre! Starting with Unity 2021.1f1 and Unity 2021.2a10, FBX Exporter is an officially released package and is visible in Package Manager without enabling preview packages.
Please note that FBX Exporter 4.0 requires Unity 2019 LTS or newer. Unity 2018 LTS is no longer supported.
New package alert! FBX Exporter version 4.1.0-pre.2 is now available. This is a release candidate for the upcoming Unity 2021.2 beta and will graduate to a full release (no -pre) sometime in the 2021.2 beta cycle. Because this is a release candidate, it isn’t visible by default in Package Manager for versions of Unity other than 2021.2. See below for installation instructions.
What’s New
Added ability to export blendshape animations when the “Animated Skinned Mesh” Export Option is selected.
What’s Changed
Updating the minimum required version of the Unity Recorder package to 2.5.5.
Updating the minimum required version of the Timeline package to 1.5.2.
Updated the FBX SDK bindings to 4.1.0-pre.1.
Known Issues
FBX exporter integration with Probuilder broken with Probuilder 5.0.3. Exporting a Probuilder object may break the original object.
To Install FBX Exporter 4.1.0-pre.2, do one of the following:
In Unity 2021.2a19 and above, add the FBX Exporter package in Package Manager and select version 4.1.0-pre.2.
In Unity 2021.1 and above, click the [+] button at the top left of the Package Manager, select Add package by name… and enter com.unity.formats.fbx in the Name field and 4.1.0-pre.2 in the Version field.
In Unity 2020.3 and above, click the [+] button at the top left of the Package Manager, select Add package by git URL… and enter com.unity.formats.fbx@4.1.0-pre.2.
In any supported version of Unity, edit Packages/manifest.json and add the following line to the top of the list of dependencies:
Hello! FBX Exporter version 4.1.0 is now available. This update fixes a whole bunch of bugs and moves the package out of prerelease (no more -pre). See below for installation instructions.
What’s Fixed
Fix FBX Export Project Settings break if they are open when changing scenes.
Fix specular texture not being exported.
Fix NullReferenceException if materials are null.
Fix NullReferenceException if animation is missing.
Fix error when exporting object with empty name.
Fix misaligned text in export file name field.
Fix warning about missing metafiles.
Fix warning about using absolute paths when overwriting an fbx file.
Fix exporting zero scale not importing correctly in 3ds Max.
Fix window size cutting off text in export window.
Fix object name not being undone after undo convert to prefab.
Fix settings reset button not working.
Fix not being able to export to a new folder on Mac.
Fix hdrp materials being exported with max incandescence.
Fix warning about ExportSettings not being in a file called ExportSettings.cs.
Fix exception when exporting a missing or null mesh.
Fix incorrect skinning if character bone hierarchy contains objects that do not have a bindpose.
To Install FBX Exporter 4.1.0, do one of the following:
In Unity 2021.2, add the FBX Exporter package in Package Manager and select version 4.1.0.
In Unity 2021.1 and above, click the [+] button at the top left of the Package Manager, select Add package by name… and enter com.unity.formats.fbx in the Name field and 4.1.0 in the Version field.
In Unity 2020.3 and above, click the [+] button at the top left of the Package Manager, select Add package by git URL… and enter com.unity.formats.fbx@4.1.0.
In any supported version of Unity, edit Packages/manifest.json and add the following line to the top of the list of dependencies: