FBX import animation clips not updating correctly.

Hello hopefully somebody has come across this before.

I have an fbx file with animations divided out into multiple clips that won’t update correctly in Unity.

When I I overwrite the fbx with updated animation these clip ranges show the wrong animation.
However, when a new clip is added to the list, the animation is the correct version.

Changing the frame range for previously created clips does not fix this.

Is there a known solution to this aside from brute force re-creating each animation clip?


I’ve had issues where the file became corrupt and saving over it wouldn’t fix it. My solution was to just delete that file and start over from import.

Up. I’m having the exact same issue as JMBSpunge here. Any tips ?

Anyone figure this out yet? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Having the same issues with blender files. Currently have to remove the file from the project and then reimport. Anyone know a fix for this?

So apparently you can force a reimport by deleting all the list animation clips and then toggling off/on “Import Animation” for the model. But this method is not ideal, because then you lose any settings you had for animation clips, like custom masks or transform baking settings.

run into this again, anyone have the answer?

anyone has found an answer yet?

Kind of. It still involves a bit of manual labor.

For Animations that have changed names:
With the old clip selected, click the “Source Take” dropdown just below the clip list, and select the animation it’s supposed to use. Unity should rename.

For new animations that aren’t showing up:
You can add members to the clip list with the ‘+’ button. Select the animation in the “Source Take” dropdown.

OP wanted a way to do it without this labor, but I don’t think that’s possible without a custom editor script. At the very least, this will prevent you from having to delete the mesh along with it’s clip references and settings.


This has worked for me importing from Blender to Unity.
Lets say I have created two Actions in Blender, Idle and Run animations and imported into Unity. Both animations clips appear but then, I create a third animation in Blender and replace the FBX file in Unity. Unity wont create the new third clip automatically. What you have to do is hit the + button in the Clips and from the Source Take drop down menu, select the new animation that you created. Hit apply and now Unity will create a clip out of it.
In this way you will keep the changes that you already made on the previous animations.

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Hi everyone. I fixed it!! Same was happening to me, and, in my case, the reason was that some of these animations were only 1 frame animations. Just by adding a second frame, the animations appeared in unity. I assume that the logic behind is ‘one frame is not an animation’, which makes sense, but there should be a warning or something.