FBX imported Mesh deformed on iPhone but not in Unity

I have a character mesh animated in Cinema4D 11 and exported to FBX. Everything looks good in unity but when the project is built and installed to the iPhone the mesh is missing some surfaces/polygons and distorts during animation.

From the looks of it I would think that the problem is with the mesh weighting / UV mapping, but if that’s the case, shouldn’t I see the same problem when playing the animation in unity?

I used bones and the standard skin and weight tool in Cinema 4D 11. I’ve read posts regarding problems with UV mapping when using non-claude bonet weighting in previous Cinema versions but those problems were always apparent upon import into unity. Everything I’ve done in C4D11 with the Weight tool looks good in Unity. It’s only when installed to the iPhone that the problems begin.

Any suggestions?

how many polygons?
how many bones?
how many weights per vertex?

remember that animation is done fully on the ARM cpu on the iphone.

1602 Polys
18 bones

“how many weights per vertex?”
How do I find this?

“remember that animation is done fully on the ARM cpu on the iphone.”
And therefore…


Please submit a bug with attached project demonstrating problem.

Just submitted a bug report.


Hey ReJ,

Can you give me some feedback on my original question…Specifically, if the imported mesh animation looks good in unity (no holes or distortion of the mesh during animation) should it look the same when installed to iPhone?

Are there differences in the way the Unity modules installed to the iPhone interpret mesh weighting versus how it’s done in the Unity development environment on the Mac?

Any other thoughts you (or anyone) might have are appreciated.


Re-weighted the entire mesh and that fixed the problem.