FBX model missing textures and invisible


I don’t know if anyone has seen this and if I am just missing a really simple solution.

I imported an FBX model (exported from Maya by a team member) into Unity. When I view it in preview, the model is bluish (no textures) and when I try to place it in the world, nothing shows up.

I have attached my screenies of the settings. Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


Scale factor 1000 seems huge to me. Thats the first thing I noticed. What size is the model in Maya ? Are the 3 sub meshes for LOD or something ? Also it has multiple UV sets. These things could be causing the blue preview.

But I have a feeling you can’t see it simply because it is huge ??

I could be way off.

Thanks Kyuss,

It turned out that was the cause of the problem with the textures too. I scaled to .04 and worked it fine.

Thanks again,