FCM Notification small icon always Unity Default Icon in Android

I’m using Unity2022.3.5 and working on Firebase Cloud Message to push notification to my app. I’ve modify AndroidManifest file and set Firebase default icon. Everything is ready.

But i found that my Package name is not start with “com.” and the notification small icon is Unity default icon.
When i changed my Package name to “com.some.thing” and the notification small icon is what i defined in AndroidManifest file.

Maybe is it a bug to Unity2022.3.5? Have any suggestions?

Additionally. Everything is fine on iOS devices.

No. Small icon is required to be set on notification from code, otherwise it doesn’t work. So it’s either Firebase or your project setup issue, not Unity.

Thanks for reply. The problem is, when i change the package name to “com.some.thing” and send Notification by Firebase. The small icon is correct.
(My package name now is “name.product.company”)

My Steps is:
Create a new app and the package name is “com.some.thing”.
replace json file and pacakge name change to “com.some.thing” in unity.
Build apk.
Then I push Notification by Firebase. The small icon is correct.

Have a look at icon setup in your Unity project (in Player Settings). And also export Android Studio project from Unity and look into assets folders of all the modules in there. I don’t think you want any icon in there to be Unity logo. We put our logo for the required icons so the game builds out of the box even for empty Unity project, but for production games it is expected to use your own custom branding.

I have set the Default icon in Player Settings. And when I export the android studio project i can find it. And it shown perfectly when I installed on Android Device. But when I push notification, the small icon change to Default unity logo icon.
I confused serveral days. When I try to change my package name to “com.some.thing”. And recreate a new app on Firebase. I just replace the “google-services.json” file download from Firebase Console and change package name in Player Settings to “com.some.thing”. Everything is well. My small icon also changed to the icon which I set in PlayerSettings.

But I shouldn’t change the package name now. Because the app is online in store

The small icon means the notification icon in the top of Android device

By the way, I changed my Notification from FCM to Unity mobile Notification(version2.2.2). I found the same problem.
When I’m not use the “com.exp.name” as package name, the small icon is default unity icon on Android Devices.
I hope Unity Technology Team to check this problem and answer me how to fix it without change package name.

Thank you very much!!!

Hello, have you guys managed to find a solution for this? I’m currently having the same problem with the notification icon getting blank

Blank as in single color (white-ish)?
Not all Android devices support colored icons. Read the Google guideline for icons.

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The icon was only showing a grey square. But I’ve managed to make it work by following the steps here

Hey everyone, put on that path Library\Bee\Android\Prj\IL2CPP\Gradle\unityLibrary\src\main\res\drawable and put the notificationicon.png 96x96 px White/Black + tranpsarent bg