First off sorry if this is not the right place for requesting new editor features, but I can’t think of other better place for it.
TLDL: A simple button in the Project window that does the equivalent of sending all .cs files in said folder into a ‘pseudo’ package to remove it form the compilation. Clicking it again ‘sends it back’ to the asset folder so it can be modified again.
I am under the impression that packages do not get recompiled every time you change a single you change anywhere else in your code. This gives me the idea of placing all of the ‘not in constant change’ parts of my code into the packages folder, but then visual studio can’t find references there, and some other limitations, even ‘go to definition’ to a class in the packages folder links to a compiled assembly of said class instead of the source. So What I am asking is a button in the Project window that ‘do the equivalent of moving the .cs files in said folder to the packages folder’ and back when clicked again. Of course the actual implementation could be different, like having it’s own ‘packages-like’ folder for sent project files.