I really like the Reverse option of the Geometry Sorting property of a TextMesh Pro object. However, when using lines, it draws each new line below the previous one. I’d love to have an option to reverse that so that each new line is drawn above the previous one.
You mean first line is at the bottom and subsequent ones above? Like a computer terminal?
This actually will be useful for RTL languages, like arabic. Currently, in our project, we manually reverse lines before setting text. We apply multiple transformations along with ArabicFixer in order to support tags and multi-line texts.
I’m sorry, my question was quite vague. Here’s what I mean: when using a TextMesh Pro object, which is configured to show characters and lines one behind the other, there are only 2 options, depending on the Geometry Sorting settings: Normal and Reverse. I want a combination of the two where only characters appear in reversed order but lines appear normal (as described below).
I managed to create that example by duplicating a TextMesh Pro object that had Reversed Geometry Sorting and putting one object above the other. However, I’d love to be able to do the same with only one object. I hope it’s not too complicated to implement.