Ok that works, still missing cursor change though (to show which tool is activated when pressing shift or ctrl)
Just founded the X, Y, comma, period for flip/rotate…those are useful,
and selection box seems to be already there (hold down ctrl and drag select area)
Apologies for forgetting to add the shortcut keys in the reference guide. Happens in a rush
Just added them but for anyone who hasn’t checked out the reference guide and reading this thread:
Tile Map Shortcut Keys
Shift + Left-Click = Erase Tiles
Ctrl + Left-Click = Select Tiles
Alt + Left-Click = Pan Scene View
Following keys only work if focus is on the Scene View. So if you just selected a tile from the palette, Right-Click in the Scene View to get focus first.
Y = Flip selected tile Up or Down
X = Flip selected tile Left or Right
. (Period) = Rotate Clockwise
, (Comma) = Rotate Anti-Clockwise
But you do bring up some good suggestions though.Thanks… Currently the cursor doesn’t change but the icon on the palette is selected though. Is not very obvious though.
Set tilemap layer (max) size (if want to make level with grid of 64x64, have to manually calculate tiles?)
Show coordinates in which tile (X,Y) your mouse is in the current layer (if want to place certain object at same height in large layer, would be easier to do if know the coordinate)
Using keyboard (arrowkeys) to scroll/pan Palette window if its active, even zoom/in out with keyboard + - could be nice
Difficult to see which tile in palette is selected (thin white outline not really visible, especially it tile has some white also)
Flipping tile that has pivot at Bottom Left, makes the tile go “outside” current tilemap cell (since its flipped from the Bottom left… probably more useful if it would still flip from center, so can use it in that cell where the cursor is…)
Oh’noes… I had scene window maximized while painting tiles,
then somehow wrong layer was active, drew half of the background to main layer… Oo
(With coordinates and active layer name display maybe it would had not happened… : )
or maybe tilemap layer locks?
If tilemap layer gameobject is disabled, you can still modify it, like erase (if its selected in hierarchy)
I’d throw in a dropdown list with all possible tilemap layers in the scene, so you don’t have to search through and click on them in the hierarchy view. Gets cumbersome as the scene fills up with other gameobjects and if you have multiple tilemaps with their own layers.
How about if in scene window could have “zoom to actual size” button or shortcut key?
like in photoshop you can zoom to 100%… (actual size being the pixel perfect size)
Also Pressing F takes you always too far (with all objects in unity),
and if you press F two times while tilemap layer is selected, it just pans to the pivot…
pressing F twice with tilemap could have some other use…(like zoom between actual size, zoom to frame object)
Cannot clone (eyedropper pick) empty tile,
it would be nice to just get the null tile selected as brush (when pressing ctrl), so can use it as an eraser…
I second the selection box idea of being able to cut/copy and paste a selection.
It would be extremely useful especially when building giant levels. Currently I would use it to move independent sections around, testing them in various parts of the level.
using selection box (with ctrl pressed) works quite fine as copy-paste, can make big selections too.
and i think could erase with that big selection by pressing shift, so its almost like cut…