The most annoying thing about Unity (and surprised this hasn’t been fixed in last decade) is this:
There is no stop button.
The amount of times I want to stop the game in the editor and I have to de-click the play button but I accidentally clicked it an odd number of times so the game re-starts again!!!
Who agrees?
Who’s silly idea was it that you have to click the start button to stop the game!
It happens to me a lot too, (especially now that my mouse has a clicking problem, gotta replace it) would be cool if they would add a dedicated button that only stops or make a small delay where it doesn’t start when clicked after stopping.
I think a stop button would be nice, but especially if it contained infinite loop escape functionality like the old Panic Button asset. This would be a nice UX and functionality boon.
How about unresponsive play and pause/unpause buttons?
But actually, since I haven’t checked, can you setup only stop shortcut?
I am finding all fine with buttons, as long all is nice and responsive. I remember similar thread a year ago or maybe 2. People were complaining about accidental double clicking.
My issue is however, if testing buggy unresponsive code, with some long loop, lag and trying to stop editor play mode. It is not uncommon in such case, to hit play, or pause few times, hopeing editor will catch one of the hits commands. Then realising, editor pauses and unpauses, or stops and starts after few second lag, which can be annoying. Is like playing a catch game.
OMG! Am I the only one who pauses the game to inspect something and then hits the PLAY button to start again only to have the game stop!!! Every. Single. Time. Grrrrr… At least change the icons on the buttons if you insist on toggles.