When using the generated C# class, we only get one constructor and it looks something like this:
public partial class @MyActionsAsset: IInputActionCollection2, IDisposable
public InputActionAsset asset { get; }
public @MyActionsAsset()
asset = InputActionAsset.FromJson("/* huge json blob here */");
// A series of field assignments here, e.g.
// Player
m_Player = asset.FindActionMap("Player", throwIfNotFound: true);
m_Player_Move = m_Player.FindAction("Move", throwIfNotFound: true);
// etc....
This is inflexible, as it always creates its own self-contained instance of the InputActionsAsset. I propose adding a second constructor to the generated C# class that allows you to pass in an existing input actions asset. Like so:
public partial class @MyActionsAsset: IInputActionCollection2, IDisposable
public InputActionAsset asset { get; }
public @MyActionsAsset(InputActionAsset existingAssetInstance)
asset = existingAssetInstance;
// A series of field assignments here, e.g.
// Player
m_Player = asset.FindActionMap("Player", throwIfNotFound: true);
m_Player_Move = m_Player.FindAction("Move", throwIfNotFound: true);
// etc....
The generated code can validate that the asset conforms to the generated structure, while still allowing the user to use an existing asset instance. This unlocks the ability to attach the ease of use of the generated code api to inflexible existing InputActionAsset instances such as those created by PlayerInput instances and those used by the InputSystemUIInputModule. Being able to use the same instance in more places will unlock broader centralized handling for controlling the enabled state for action maps and actions as well as centralized runtime rebinding, and ease of use for PlayerInputManager/PlayerInput setups. It could also be used with the Project-Wide Actions asset.