Want design feedback for your new game? Then you’ve found the right thread! Post here to get precious player feedback. Discuss until we lock the thread to start the two week break.
How To Ask For Feedback?
Show - Pics, videos, or best of all, a playable game!
Be Concise - Who’s got time for Wall 'O Text? Less is more
How To Give Feedback?
Be Positive - Finding redeeming qualities in the worst of games, is in itself a game
Focus On The Design - Not the designer
Be Specific - “Your game sucks!” is for nubs
What To Show?
Minimally Viable Product (MVP) - Core game play >>> everything else
Techophobia is a 2D teamwork game focused on providing a fun local-multiplayer experience. We have a lot of the core features complete and would love to receive some feedback on the current mechanics. Currently the local multiplayer set up isn’t ready but we have the single player ready. Our work in progress page has more information if you would like to check that out: WIP Unity Forums
We would love any feedback! A few things we would love to know is:
How does the game feel while playing? Does the room movement feel good? Does the player movement feel right? 2. Any comments about the art/aesthetics of the game would be awesome!
Just to note there are some minor bugs that we are still working on. For example it is possible to have the camera get out of sync with the player. I will work on that this week and fix that. Also we only have 1 player in the game. So although you can pick anyone it will default to 1 blue character.
After burning the midnight oil last night and today we are looking forward to getting some feedback! Any and all feedback or critique is welcomed. Thank you in advance!
(Creating a web demo for some reason broke all our assets. I will try later to provide a web demo. Thanks)
The controls could use some change. It would be nice if you could control the character in a fps fashion. Mouse to aim up and down, Left mouse button to fire, A and D keys to move forward and back, space to jump.
I noticed when I throw the gun to the ground and pick it back up, it will be backwards. So the gun shoots from behind. And instead of shooting at the ground, it shoots upwards. Not sure if this is a bug or feature…
So far I’m not sure what else to say. The level would end sometimes when going in a room and I would be a little confused as to why the level ended or finished. The enemies were the only real obstacles and were very easy to beat. They were very slow and only took one hit. Maybe give them more health and have them charge at you once you enter a room. Or use ranged attacks.
Hey thank you for the review! That’s a really good idea I didn’t think about using the mouse for aim.
The gun shooting backwards is just a bug that we missed fixing before we uploaded the game. Also we have a self destruct timer and your character leaves after it goes up, its on a couple of the tv screens but we should have it much more obvious. We will definitely improve the AI, add health and some more dynamic attacks from the enemies.
Thanks again for the review and constructive criticism, it was very helpful!
Hey thanks again for posting that! We have been looking at our game for so long it really helps to have another perspective. We definitely have a lot of things to work on. Thanks again for helping us!
As roger0 said control is difficult to learn. but you are planning to make 3 player on 1 keyboard. I think it is difficult to achieve.
And while I am playing it my main character is dead and I become that small crawling Alien.
And graphics is good.
I think player can interact with some items from background, this might be in later stage of development.
Can I post prototype of my game or this is for full game only.
I am currently developing game called Cowboy football. it is just in prototyping phase only.
It is FPS game where you can shoot football. Player need to shoot the ball in a manner ball goes in to the goalpost.
This is basic promise of game.
But here is trick, goal post is not always in front, it is different in different stages. you need to shoot football accurately. and in later stages some new objects are also in level like bomb, (so ball is effected by bomb explosion.) Wind, some breakable boxes ,Sniper Rifle, etc.
Player never die in this game. but in every level player have limited ammo. if player run out of ammo he need to go to start to take more ammo.(It is in development)
I am open for any suggestions and feedbacks.
Game graphics, sounds and models are just placeholder at this time. I want to know ,is this type game is fun to play?
Thank you VERY much for your feedback! We will definitely see how we can rework the controls. Thank you both for helping us with that.
Regarding 3 players yes we are going to need controller support for each player. So if someone wants to play 3 players they will need a controller for the 3rd or have controllers for all three to use. If your just playing with two people you can remap your keyboard any way you would like.
We have also been discussing having an AI buddy help you if your playing single player. That way you can still have a fun experience even if you don’t have another friend to play with. But we will see…
Thank you very much for your feedback! I can’t at the moment but I will test your game as soon as I can!
To be honest when I saw this game I didn’t think it would be that fun. But when I played it I actually really liked it!
I do think it is a good gameplay idea! Especially like you said when you add more dynamic obstacles like bombs, moving parts, maybe even teleporters and lasers. Graphics are nice, even before you say you will upgrade them.
My short answer would be yes I do think this game will be fun.
I didn’t play it. Cause right or wrong, dropbox is a psychological barrier - just enough effort that I delay it until later. From the screen shots, the concept is interesting. And, I think it can be even stronger if you went big! It’s already a crazy idea - cowboy’s shooting a ball, with a gun, to make a goal. So, make it even crazier - get silly with it! Make the 6-shooter a big-fat-cannon looking thing! Make the ball about 3 feet tall. Instead of just point-aiming, when you left-click to fire, have it zoom in, BIG-FAT-ZOOM covers most of the screen! Make everything happen fast - turbo speed. Right now you have put-put golf - Xtremify it, until you have Jungle golf!
PS - For demo’s - webdemos get 3x the reviews. As helpful as dropbox is, it’s also a psychological barrier. Your peers are less likely to take that extra step. (And yes, web demo’s don’t run in Chrome - no worries).
Good advice! You are completely right I should have gotten the web version going. Fortunately we have already taken some of the feedback we have gotten and have made improvements. When we release our next demo I will make sure to upload it as a web player.
It’s amazing idea, I started adding some realistic graphics to game so game looks good.
now I thinking about to make other demo according to your idea. You are right. if idea is crazy than make it more crazier .
I have been tinkering on some mobile games recently, one of it is a shooter that i would like to see fully developed next year, but i am very unsure if people will wrap their heads around the input implementation, so:
I would like to get some feedback on my Prototype, mainly feel &controls, could you enjoy a gyroscope game?
First/Third-Person Shooter with local Multiplayer
Android & iOS
gyroscope centered controls (accelerometer fallback for phones that don’t support a gyroscope)
The game starts with a calibration prompt after which a short Tutorial will follow
The only content so far is “Training”, you can’t kill the soldiers standing around in the Shooting Range or other players
Uses Bluetooth (for local Multiplayer), therefore the install will ask for location-sharing (since Bluetooth can be used to do just that). But i don’t do that in any way
Sensitivity and gyro-filter-intensity are adjustable, tell me if you liked the default values
Video, (sorry for the poor footage, dark souls 3 background noise and my infuriatingly clumsy tapping, was hard to play through a camera in the dark)
Additional Info
calibration prompt when game starts for the first time (or when you cleared PlayerPrefs)
calibration prompt will stop appearing if you passed the tutorial (you can calibrate anytime in “Options: Viewport”)
calibration automatically takes care about Screen.Orientation, so you can rotate your device without messing up calibration (my code flips the gyro input accordingly, yes, that is necessary)
if your device does not support a gyroscope i have created a decent accelerometer implementation, but the accelerometer data is so messy that heavy-latency inducing filtering is required, you will see a big red static “ACCELEROMETER MODE” info at the top in that case
The Challengesare (Training) a bit lacking, both in sophistication and name, i plan to do a way better twitch and muscle memory test where you have to hover on an object until a second object appears, then the time you need to hit the second object is measured, that should be more twitch-like aiming task
The “Clear Holes”-activators removes yellow impact indicators, i disabled pooling for now because i want to check the impact patterns for several hundred shots so they have to stay visible, but they create some draw calls
There are some things of which i am aware of that suck right now:
bullet trails in first person mode are a bit displaced while moving
3rd-person running animation bounces to heavy in y direction, eyecancer, i will find a better running animation someday
3rd-person gun is badly animated because i just found out about inverse kinematics and did not have the time to tinker with it yet
Sounds for automatics are not looped yet, so they create inconsistent intervals that are annoying
shooting around corners in third person will be addressed in future by a special mechanic
You can download the .apk file from this dropbox link if you want to install it on your device
Hmm, i thought the gyro input is in absolute degree/s so there would be no difference between devices in principle. What is your device?
Did you put down your device while calibrating? I really should check if the device is still while calibrating, otherwise you might get a big offset and you will rotate constantly. Yeah, i should, i’ll code it now…
Finished, I changed the build (same link):
The menu is now available during the Tutorial, in there you are able to change Sensitivity under “Options: Viewport”
reduced default Sensitivity
Calibration now checks if the device really is really still and aborts and repeats the calibration until it is
hmm, but if the devices are really that different in gyro-readings i’ll have to create a dynamic sensitivity checker… maybe by measuring the speed of the first turns the user does, if the speed is incredibly high then his gyro must be sensitive and i adjust my sensitivity accordingly… i can’t prompt the first-time-users to fiddle around with a slider or can i?
Just a slider shown to the user while the circle challenge is active, but it has to be sublime, maybe even visually show that the slider comes out from the menu, so the player knows it is in there if he needs it later.
I tried it on a still, flat surface like in your video. But the accelerometer still seems too touchy. I couldn’t get it to center the circle. I’m using a cheap Azpen tablet.
Ah, you use the Accelerometer mode ( You can see the RED text on top left indicating that). That is a relieve of sorts, this mode is shitty on any device compared to the true gyromode, not much i can do about that. If it jumps around like crazy try to turn the LookFilter all the way to the left.
But maybe your problem is this (and it is my fault because i did not inform you, but i wanted to get the build ready for this feedback window):
When using the accelerometer mode you need to hold your device within about 45° to have a decent look-input, not more (see green in picture), or the angle readings will become to jumpy because the gravity vector is nearly in line with my yaw-reference-vector.
If that does not solve it try to pull the look filter all the way to the right (no filtering) and tell me what you see, for me this makes my camera go crazy circlejerking around with no end because accelerometer measurements is so messy.
EDIT: updated apk. file,
in AccelerometerMode you will get a warning if your device is not held flat enough
added Sensitivity-Slider cameo appearance to Circle-Look in Tutorial