Everything is written from ground up by me, and I’ve set it up in a way to make it quite easy to implement it in an authorative server type.
Pretty much it includes
-Walking, sprinting (no animation for sprinting), jumping
-Semi procedural aim down sights(just attach a gameobject to the ironsights with the right tag and the script will automatically place the object in the weapon in the correct position)
-Weapon sway and bob which is all 100% code, no animations are used.
-Recoil system implemented with concepts such as first shot recoil kick (first shot has more recoil than follow up shots)
The weapon is from my asset, you can find it in my signature
Would love some feedback for the controller as i’ll be using in a potetial future portfolio peice. I’ll keep it being updated as I go along.
Link is bellow, is a webplayer build because WebGL is a lot larger in file size and isn’t working 100% correctly right now. Sorry chrome users
Small update involving jumping. Landing now slows you down so if you try and bunny hop it aint gonna work. Also camera animations for jumping are implemented.
New update, bullets are now in the game (with physics and are pooled). There are small little spheres around the map you can destroy. Standard FPS controls. Also there is crouching which is activated with X.
New update. So now there be bloom in the game (not the image effect but shooting bloom i.e. your bullet spreads around the place when shooting). Crosshairs have some little adjustments. Implemented a little system to support the weapon bloom explained before, pretty much you have cone of fire which is your starting bloom, then you have aiming bloom and normal bloom which increase when you shoot and return back to normal when you stop.
Also little cubes appear when you hit something so you know what you hit.
-if you fire for a long time, the cone of fire takes quite a while to reset back to normal.
-the cone of fire doesn’t grow when you spin around quickly.
a) there is no limit to how big the cone of fire can get, since you have unlimited ammo it could go to infinity.
b) cone of fire shouldn’t grow when spinning that would be a bad design choice.